No cover, no writing and a sprained ankle.

It has been ages. I know. This is my first post of 2023. Lazy, you have probably brandished me. Maybe she's writing the third book, some may assume. The truth? My previous book The Kenryk Series: Rise of the Emoryk took everything from me. It wrecked me mentally, spiritually, and physically. I had such a hard time producing the second book that I had to take time away from anything book related? I only read 1 book in 2022- that I didn't even finish. For the first time since I was 10, I read less than 60 books a year. As someone who has been writing since I was a child, it had always come naturally. I never had to force myself to write or feel any kind of pressure. I was writing book after book without pause. Then, I decided to self-publish (because they don't traditionally publish fantasy fiction in South Africa). Book 1, The Avaris was not quite a struggle. For someone who had been writing endlessly since I was a child, for the first time, I found myself s...