
Showing posts with the label author

The struggle of being an author

I don't get it. I have been writing since I was 10. It came naturally to me. Never had to think it over. I'd open a book, write Chapter One and the story would flow.  After publishing my second book, I felt the fatigue. I have never had writer's fatigue before. Ever. It is so bad, I have realised I will write as and when the story demands. This includes waking up at 3 AM when the story demands to be written and start writing. I don't know how to navigate this new writing. I won't force it though. I need to like and enjoy the book if I am going to give it to the readers. On the bright side, I have been quite busy. I am on a drive to collect books to help set up a library at a school I went to as a child.  This will a short blog because writing is draining me at the moment. Enjoy yourselves and remember, dreams never expire. 

I have become a YouTuber...but not in that way!

Hear me out. I have absolute respect for people that create YouTube content full-time. I made a video and I was left feeling emotionally and physically drained. The editing is frustrating! I digress. I opened a YouTube channel! Not so much to market my books, but because I had been receiving a lot of questions about how I self-published my books. Here is there the thing. That is not a conversation I can simply give to you in a 5-minute conversation.  So, I have created a comprehensive series about how I self-published my books. I will be uploading once a week, on Sunday. I welcome any questions and will make follow-up videos based on these questions. I know, this blog was short, but listen, I was creating YouTube content, TikTok content, and running my Instagram and Facebook page while also managing to score an editorial on a local magazine. The marketing of an indie author never stops.  So, go check out my YouTube Channel  to see how you can get self-published. 

Inhale, Exhale

A s any writer will tell you, the weeks before the release of the book is nerve-wracking. Challenges appear out of the blue. Setbacks that you didn't anticipate- especially if you're an indie author emerge from every nook.  That is what I am going through. Had my first breakdown today because, despite everything I've done to get this far, I have been thrown a curve ball. So, I am persevering. I am seeking solutions instead of wallowing in frustration. I am proactively trying to dig my way out of this six feet deep hole. Dramatic, I know, but it is frustrating to be so close to releasing your second book and then... cue music that's depressing. Alas, I am not going to make this long. I have to troubleshoot. In the meantime, enjoy the videos I have produced to excite you about the 26 August 2022 release of  The Kenryk Series: The Rise of the Emoryk . You can preorder your copy now.

I am the gum under your shoe.

I am devastated. My initial intention was to release book 2 in May. Life happened. In a major way. I am one of those people that were caught in the floods that happened in my area. It was a traumatic 6 days. I lost my mojo. I had PTSD. If it rained, I panicked. I couldn't write. My struggle to get the final manuscript completed is well documented in this blog. Finally, after two months of no creative juice, it came back. I wrote and the manuscript was completed.  Side story : I have always struggled with this book. When I wrote The Avaris in 2016, it had always been intended to be standalone. However, Amari and her crew demanded that I continue their adventure. I wrote book 2, The Rise of the Emoryk and then book 3. I proceeded to spend years rewriting them until I found the problem. I was struggling to connect book 1 with book 3 because something was just off with book 2. I don't know how many times I have had to rewrite book 2. I don't think I will ever be satisfied, but ...

Character Face reveal

Almost a year later? I know, I know. I should have done this right from the beginning. However, now that you have read the first book on  Amazon  or  Exclusive Books  and  these different sites you hopefully pre-ordered book 2 The Rise of the Emoryk on  Amazon  and  on all these sites . So, what is this about? Well, I wanted to introduce you to how I saw the book characters in my mind when I wrote the books. Please note, that you're absolutely allowed to have your own version of them in your mind when you read. However, for you to understand the Kenryk, I will begin with the introductions of the key four characters. Name and age. Amari (20)   Korin (24). Yes, he's a man Forde (25) Arteryn (34) Say hello to the faces that will go through the fire with you for three whole books. When I said Korin was beautiful, I wasn't kidding. I'd like to hear your thoughts on what you thought they looked like.  Remember The Kenryk Series: The Rise of t...

No Amazon reviews? Meh.

I have had my first book, the fantasy fiction The Kenryk Series: The Avaris #1 out for a few months now. When I published the book for me it was for the "I did it" feeling. Then I started getting caught up with the numbers, the rankings, and the endless need for reviews. I was desperate. I wanted to be recognised.  It took the writer's block I've finally overcome to realise, that "I did it!" I published my book all by myself. I sourced the illustrator, the book cover designers, the formatter, the printer, and the distributor. I made it into bookshelves. Granted, I have not yet seen my book on shelves, but they are available in other provinces in the country. However, I did get reviews. A teen who has been badgering her father about when I will release the second book and my primary school friend who cannot get enough of Korin.  These are people in South Africa who want to read the next book. I got so caught up in gaining external validation, I forgot why I h...

Still Stuck

W hen I made the decision to self publish my first book, I didn't think anyone would buy it. Since I have been writing books since I was 10, I was driven by that "I did it" feeling. And I did it. I got my book published. It became available in book stores and online and there were sales. Then I got caught up in the numbers, the rankings, the sales, the reviews. I was consumed by what I could and should be doing to get higher sales and a higher ranking. I forgot why I had started writing in the first place. As a result, I have hit a major writer's block with Book 2 of the series: The Rise of the Emoryk. I forgot why I did this in the first place. Not even music could help until I had to pause and remind myself why I started. I compared myself to others. I started feeling inadequate. I just wanted to reach that level. What Level? That is the question. What level am I hoping to reach? Like my main character Amari in The Kenryk Series, I had worked towards a goal- to be a...

I'm in book stores!

  Yes!!!! That 10 year old in me is in tears! I am officially in book stores. Not only is my book available on various online platforms such as Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple books etc, but I can now be found at  exclusivebooks  ,  Bargain Books  ,  Protea Books  ,  Uppercase Books  and  Wordsworth . I am beyond excited. The best part? I heard the news on my birthday, December 29.  This is an achievement for me, an achievement for that little girl who read Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Babysitters Club, transitioned to The Client and kept wanting different endings until she decided to write her own book. I am officially in book stores. (crying emoji. twerking emoji. dancing emoji- yes, I'm too lazy to look for the actual emojis ๐Ÿ˜†) The next update will probably come in 2022. This has been an exciting 6 months as a self published author. There have been a lot of ups and down. A lot of learning. A lot of sifting between everyone's advice a...

I have a new cover...ish!

I published my book in August 2021. I received a few sales and then...well...not so many sales. The book  trailer approach did a lot towards marketing the book, but something was missing. Mmmm. Maybe an updated book cover? Will that work? Yes? No? I went with the former! And lo and behold! A new cover. I am keen on your opinion of the new-ish cover.  I didn't want to deviate too much from its original branding, but it was missing something. So with the help of Nerisha from  NDesigns , I updated the look of my cover.  As I am still in a brace for a sprained wrist, book 2 is trudging along slowly. However, the fourth draft is done, so on to the final draft. The question remains- will Amari choose to be a Sage Warrior or an Avaris. If you read the first book The Kenryk Series: The Avaris (available on all online platforms in ebook format and on Amazon in ebook and paperback- you know I was going to plug this,  Kobo , Barnes and Noble , Apple , Tolino , Vivlio , an...

I have a book trailer! Whaaaaat????

It took me 2000 years to learn there was such a thing as a book trailer- pardon the hyperbolic declaration. I thought those things were for movies. It turns out- nope- you too can have a book trailer. You're getting a trailer, you're getting a trailer! Everybody gets a trailer!!!! All right, fine! I got too caught up there for a second. Ahem. Where was I? Oh, yes. I have a book trailer. After a month of just 2 sales, I had to do something. And I thought? A book trailer? Why not? I wanted to study filming when I was young. Uh, so obviously, this will not be competing for an Oscar for its cinematography. However, I do believe it will make you buy the book. Go on, click the link  The Kenryk Series  and buy the book.  Anyway, without further ado, behold! The Kenryk Series trailer!!!!  P.S. If you visit all my social accounts @welakabane on Instagram and twitter and Wela Kabane on Facebook and Goodreads, you will see more.

Accio Reviews Again! No? Sigh

Day something of me a self-published author... All right. It has been three months. I've sold a few books online and physically. I got my first royalties, though they are under $20. I still have zero reviews on Amazon on Goodreads. Disclaimer, I have a sprained wrist. I am typing with a brace on and cannot guarantee a typo-free experience. So, here I am, 3 months later. Having sold over 45 books and no reviews. I thought maybe my blurb wasn't catchy enough, so I reviewed that. I re-reread my story. Oh, the horror! There were so many typos I had missed during the editing process. So, maybe that turned people off? Is the story not engaging enough? Is it too long? Is it this or that? My teeth have been ground so finely from clenching my jaw with anxiety, I question my ability to chew right now.  I have decided to review my manuscript. I am not changing the story itself. I am giving it... a cosmetic uplift along with the cover. Remember, this is book one and understanding the chara...

The Furball Life Anthology of Short stories

 I am in the middle of a grueling exam period and I needed a break. What that break turned into was me writing and publishing an anthology. Only 29 pages. Only three short stories. It came out of nowhere? Why the name The Furball Life? When you read the book you will understand.   Here is a short blurb The Diary of the Hotel Room If these walls could talk... Read the diary of a hotel room as it gets a brief insight into the lives of its guests.   Yours in Delusion, Ophelia Delusional or self-unaware. Ophelia keeps getting herself in trouble in this hilarious office story. Moments with Phindi Remember when you thought you had the whole world figured out after your graduated from University and you suddenly find yourself stuck in a dead end job? That's Phindi. You can get your copy of the book on

Clearly, I've been masquerading as an introvert!

I can no longer claim to be an introvert. Some extrovert from somewhere took over my body last week. This past week, on the 30th of September 2021, I had my first exhibition at a fair. First the bad news. It rained, horribly. It was wet, we were all cold, and I had a stand next to the door. However, I am a pre-planner, so I had my heater with me ๐Ÿ˜. Second bad news, because of the rain, I could barely see, so, I ended up scratching someone's car by mistake at the parking lot. Oh, the anxiety, the panic, the fear. Turned out, the victim was a colleague so the exchange of insurance details was seamless, and she ended up having to calm me down because I would not stop apologising. Now for the event. There I was in my stall. All I had were books, a few plants, a banner, and my personality! Oh, did that personality come to my rescue! I walked into that room with many exhibitors, and I knew, if I was going to sell any paperbacks that day, I had to rely on my personality.   My p...

Accio Reviews!

So, it turns out getting reviews is harder than Frodo's journey to Mordor. You need a horcrux, the blood of  a unicorn, Voldermort's nose and a nonexistent Gandalf the Purple.  Despite selling a number of books, I still have no reviews. I have deduced this could be for a number of reasons: 1) People have bought the book, but have not had the time to read it. 2) Creating an Amazon or Goodreads account to leave a review might be a bit of an extra mile for others. 3) They liked it so much, they were overwhelmed with the need to give it 6 stars, but the maximum is only 5 stars๐Ÿ˜‰. It has only been a month. I will patiently wait for that first review. I have mentally prepared myself for the good and the bad. Hopefully, one day, I will see myself on some best-seller list somewhere.  Accio reviews! Still nothing? Oh well. I'll wait. In the meantime... how cute are my bookmarks?

Reviews, numbers and anxiety

So, it has been a month since I published my first book. On the 6th of August, I released my book on Amazon in Ebook and paperback format. Sounds easy. It isn't. There are so many rules. The tags. The categories. I ran to Youtube, it confused me even more. I eventually figured it out and published!  Yay! I was officially an author.  It has been a month and I am exhausted. Mostly because there is so much to learn and to do when you're self publishing. Not to mention the Matrix bending skills you need to acquire to dodge those scammers! I purchased 25 paperback to sell in my home country. I left the rest to Amazon. You know what? I have to admit. I didn't do so bad. It's a marathon not a sprint. I managed to sell 16 of the 25 paperbacks  I ordered locally through aggressive Facebook marketing - because getting into bookstores is like a trip to Mordor. I grew my new  Facebook page  and hit 180 likes.  On Amazon , my Ebook started getting sales sporadically. S...

My uneventful journey to being a self published author

I was 10 when I wrote my first book. I'd read everything in the school library. However, I kept thinking "why didn't they do this instead"? Eventually, I decided, I am going to write my own book. Which I did. I still have the tattered old book. My classmates read my books, constantly pestering me for chapters. It was the validation I needed. As I grew older, I thought "Why not send my book to a publisher?" Oh, the rejection! I was dejected, felt unworthy, and suffered from imposter syndrome. How dare I think I'm worthy? I continued to write, but more for me than anyone. I must say, it led to my enviable penmanship. Eventually, I decided this year to finally self publish my book. Not for validation, but more for the "I did it " part. For that 10 year old girl who imagined herself an author. On Friday 06 August 2021, I released the first book in my trilogy- The Kenryk Series: The Avaris on Amazon. It is a dream come true for me. I never imagined...