Accio Reviews!

So, it turns out getting reviews is harder than Frodo's journey to Mordor. You need a horcrux, the blood of  a unicorn, Voldermort's nose and a nonexistent Gandalf the Purple. 
Despite selling a number of books, I still have no reviews. I have deduced this could be for a number of reasons:
1) People have bought the book, but have not had the time to read it.
2) Creating an Amazon or Goodreads account to leave a review might be a bit of an extra mile for others.
3) They liked it so much, they were overwhelmed with the need to give it 6 stars, but the maximum is only 5 stars๐Ÿ˜‰.

It has only been a month. I will patiently wait for that first review. I have mentally prepared myself for the good and the bad. Hopefully, one day, I will see myself on some best-seller list somewhere. 

Accio reviews! Still nothing? Oh well. I'll wait. In the meantime... how cute are my bookmarks?


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