Am I really considering being a Youtuber?


I don't really have a problem talking. In fact, I have a problem with knowing when to stop talking. That is why I wrote books- and improved my handwriting in the process, thank you very much. However, this is unchartered territory.

So, what am I doing on Youtube?

They're brutal there. I am going to be scrutinised for the smallest thing. I already know I'm not photogenic. Well, it isn't about me. I have received so many questions from people asking how I self-published my books. Many people are walking around with talent, but they
have no idea where to start. 

So, I have decided to do a series of videos on how I managed to self-publish my book- cost-effectively. I will welcome all questions and try to help as much as I can. I am South African, so some things may only be relevant to South Africa. However, I will try to be as general as possible. I will be as thorough as I can. No stone is left unturned. Including crippling marketing costs. 

In the meantime, follow me on TikTok on @welawrites, Instagram and Facebook under Wela Kabane. P.S. If your aim is to get that global bestseller, good luck. It can happen, but you're a one-person business. Celebrate every single sale. Don't strive for that validation.

And go buy the books on Amazon , Exclusive Books , Takealot . Soon, I am going to make the book available on other platforms such as Apple Books, Google Books, Nooks etc.


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